Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dealing with Assholes Daily

Anyone who works any kind of job knows one simple fact. People are shitty.

In every 10 people, there is one worth any kind of effort.

The other nine are just some special kind of ass.

The kind you'd give your left arm for to smack. With your left arm.

I'm curious though, how are people so shitty? When did it become the standard for people to suck more balls than I do? That's a lot of balls, folks. A lot of balls.

Big balls.

Hefty balls.

You get the picture.

I propose that we all just stop being shitty to eachother. Don't you think that would be so much better?

I mean, it doesn't take a lot to be even just decent to someone, but apparently that small human effort is too much for most of society.

Who else here people-watches?

Don't lie to me. I know you do. Everyone does.

How many people judge based on their observations?

Don't lie. I fucking know you do. You're in this shitty boat with me, don't try to deny it.

Anyway, back to the very vague point, that at this point I'm struggling to remember.

Right. People suck.

I think that's about all I was saying, actually. I can't really remember where I was going with it..

I hate having to deal with assholes daily.

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