When it comes to picking education, people like to strike fear into you about picking the right path, that it's a waste of money if you don't.
Personally, I don't really feel that it is. In reality, is it ever a waste of money to get educated? Even if it's not something you want to do as a career, it is something that interested you at some point, to want to go into studying it.
It's never really too late to find what your passion is. As corny as that might sound, take it from someone who's taken years off from education, just to decide what I want more.
Some people may not see me as making a smart move in doing that, but really, I do think it was the best decision I've ever made. My head is much clearer, and after some dead-end jobs, it's lit the fire under my ass to get the education required to do the job that I want to do.
How many people can say that, going straight into post-secondary education?
Live your life and have fun with it, people. If you don't like the route you picked at first, fuck, go back and take the different one. It's not going to end you.
-Wednesday, October 30th, 2013
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